Required User Privileges: Company Admin / Screen Admin
The first step is to click on Manage at the bottom left corner of SalesScreen.
A menu will pop up, where you can proceed to click on Screens under the Company headline:
Once on the Screens management page, click on the + button in the top right corner:
You are now presented with two options:
Quick - Choose between a selection of prederined templates
If you choose the quick create option, you will be presented with a set of pre-configured slides. Simply click one of them, and it will be created immediately and appear in the playlist- and slides view.
2. Create your own - Configure all parts of the slide
This type of setup involves more steps than the quick create, but will give you the possibility of tailoring the slide to a specific selection of products, teams, users, periods or any other parameter we support.
The first step (shown in the picture above) is choosing a function. What is the basis for the number you want to show on your slides? A toplist on value? A summarized number on a combined set of products?
The main functions are the following:
Toplists - If you want order a collection of summarized data as a list. E.g. if you want to show a list of the top performing sellers on your team (Toplist Value), the 10 biggest sales in your company for a specified period (Toplist Max Value), the best budget completions by users in your company (Toplist Budget)
Gamification - All slides that relates to XP, achievements or battles
Combined - A summarized number or result from a collection of different sources, like a countdown from a specified value to zero (Countdown) or the total sold for your company in a given period (Combined Value)
Time Series - Track report value over time, e.g. in a line chart
Other - Other content that don't relate to budget completion, report numbers or gamification. This is where you find functions for the feed- and image slides
In addition we have a couple of other function categories based on the settings in your company, like Linked Products and Customer Care.
Choosing layouts
The slide function represents the underlying basis for the numbers in your slide. The layout represents how everything looks. Do you prefer a pie chart? Maybe a toplist with some of the elements highlighted in turn? Or just a regular bar chart?
Data level
Use this step to taylor the slide data. Select users, teams, products or companies to be the entities shown in your slide, and consider using the Filter Level dropdown if you want to limit the slide to a selection of users or teams.
Title: Title or name of your slide as it will appear on screen as well as within the Playlists management page
Description: Description of what your slide is about. Entering a description makes it easier to search for and identify this specific slide
Period: Timeframe within which you want to collect data. You can select CustomDates to define your own timeframe or choose one of predefined values: Budget (your current budget period), Week, Month, Quarter, Year, Day, Yesterday, Last Week or Last Month. Note that choosing your own CustomDates will require you to update this slide one the end date is passed
Product Type: Type of reports whose data will be collected. It can be either Sale, Offer, Activity or Meeting.
Product: Product whose data will be collected given the type you have chosen
BackgroundIn the last steps of the slide creation you will be given the option to choose between a set of pre-added background images, and the possibility to upload your own. Our background images are designed to work well with the colors of the text and numbers in the slides, so we recommend choosing one of them.
PlaylistsIf you want to push the slide directly to one or more of your playlists, choose them from the dropdown in the last step before you click Create. The slide will now be created and you can find it in the Playlists and Slides views.