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How can I delete a slide?

Delete a slide to remove it from all of the playlists it is assigned to and from your account

Marius Ekerholt avatar
Written by Marius Ekerholt
Updated over a week ago

Required User Privileges: Company Admin / Screen Admin

Note that deleting a slide is irreversible.
You may want to consider removing your slide from a playlist instead.
The first step is to click on Manage at the bottom left corner of SalesScreen.

A menu will pop up, where you can proceed to click on Screens under the Company headline:

Once on the Screens management page, make sure the Slides tab on the top is selected:

Once on the Slides management page, locate the slide by scrolling to it or using the filter, order or search options. Once you can spot the right slide, click the trash icon to delete it.

You are presented with a popup asking you to confirm the deletion. Be aware that confirming this will delete the slide for everyone in your SalesScreen company.

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