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How do I edit a board?

Edit an existing board to change its general, privacy and filtering settings

Lars Smørås Høysæter avatar
Written by Lars Smørås Høysæter
Updated over 7 months ago

To edit an existing Board you first need to access the Dashboard area of SalesScreen. This is done by pressing the Dashboard link located on the left side menu. 

From the Dashboard you can see an overview of your Boards by pressing "Manage Boards" in the top right corner.

You will then be presented with the Boards that have been created in your company. Press the three dots and edit button on the Board you want to update.

You will then be taken to a view that will let you set the various Board settings explained below.

The following fields will be available under general settings:

  • Title: The title of your Board.

  • Description: The description of your Board.

  • Default period: The default period set on the Board filter.   

  • Category: The category the Board should be linked to if these are created

  • Executive: If your company is connected in an Executive group, this switch will be made available. Turning this on will let you create Executive widgets that have the possibility of retrieving data across companies.

  • Icon:  The icon connected to your Board.

Board Access
The following fields will be available under board access settings:

  • Teams: The teams that will be allowed access to the Board. The Board will not be visible to teams that do not reside in this list.

  • Access level: The access level required to view the Board.

  • Embeddable: Creates a link to the specific dashbord that can be shared.

The following fields will be available under filter settings:

  • Resource intensive: When checked you will not be able to add more widgets to the board

  • User filter: Enable to let users filter Board data on a user level.

  • Team filter: Enable to let users filter Board data on a team level.

  • Activity filter: Enable to let users filter Board data on a activity level.

  • Show current user's data by default: This field will let you standardize the Board filter values to focus on the current user:

Once you have made the changes you want. Press "Save changes" in the top right corner

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