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How do I create a new widget?

Create a new widget to visualize your important data

Kristoffer Øseth avatar
Written by Kristoffer Øseth
Updated over 2 months ago

Your data is important, and it is even more important to visualize it. The main purpose of this article is that you will find the data you need to visualize, in the form of a dashboard widget.

Step 1: Navigate to the Dashboard located in the left side menu. Then, click on New Widget.

Step 2: Choose a Metric & Category:

The categories are as follows:



What does it do?


Single Metric

Used to measure a specific metric. This is the default and most common option when creating a widget.


Activity Flow

Visualizes several metrics in one view or displays a hit rate.



Sets up leaderboards based on who has earned a specific achievement the most times.


XP & Levels

Displays a leaderboard of XP and levels.

Step 3: Layout:

Bar / Leaderboard:
- Choose in different settings, towards targets, orientation, preview period etc:

- Choose in different settings, towards targets, variant, preview period etc:

- Choose in different settings, preview period, View by etc:

Line/Time line:
- Choose in different settings, variant, trend line, preview period etc. Keep in mind the longer you choose to preview - the system will show by week/month/year:

Last month shows in weeks for example:

- Choose in different settings, towards targets, variant, preview period etc:

Step 4: View by and other filters:

- Choose if it should measure by user level or maybe team/department level:

Also - you can choose if you only want to show a couple of teams or everyone:

Do you want to only show top 3 - or top Max?:

Step 5: Gamification:

You can either choose Achievement - where you can showcase how many achievements your team mates gets:

You can add a XP & Levels widget as well:

Final Step: Arrange and Resize. Go to the dashboard where you just added the widget and position it where you prefer.

To do this, you will click on "More Actions" in the top right and then select "Arrange". This will then allow you to click on the widget and drag and drop it where you want it to be displayed.

Once in the desired position, click the green "Save" button on the bottom right hand side of the open Arrange Board box.

You can resize by pressing the cogwheel directly on the widget:

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