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Gift Swap competition

Create a Gift Swap competition to compete in order to open, steal or swap gifts.

Simon Hordvik avatar
Written by Simon Hordvik
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Company Requirements: Gamification
Required User Privileges: Company Admin / Competition Admin

Competition Type:

In the competition creation wizard, click on Gift Swap.


Secondly, you'll be asked to pick a layout for the competition. A layout is the theme of the competition as it's displayed on the TV-monitors. For instance, if the Pirate layout is chosen, the competition will be visualized with a pirate theme, complete with a beach background and chests to open. 

Proceed by clicking the Create "Gift swap" Competition button on bottom right:

Participant Type is User:

As you can see - its only possible to have the users to compete, not teams or company for example. Press the drop down field to select the participants:

Select participants from users across all teams. This enables you to set up a competition between all users in the company, or between a specific subset of users:


Further on you'll define key settings of the competition - i.e. name, due date, report type etc. Also you will have to set some Game Rules:

Game rules

Its a good explanation here, but to explain even more.
Steal and Swap probability: you can give them a extra challenge and make it a bit harder to steal the gifts by setting a percentage probability.
Gift open deadline (minutes): This determine how many minutes the participants gets from they report a activity (that is being measured in the competition) to when they loose the chance to open a gift.
Gift minimum value: This determine how "big" the activity should be for the user to be able to open a gift. If you set for example 100 here and the metric is measured by Value, then the user have to have a value of 100 or more for the competition to allow them to open gift.
Can users obtain multiple prizes? A simple question and a simple answer.

Step 5 - Prizes 

Lastly you can add prizes, either coins or a custom made prize (tickets to a game or dinner, airpods, a day off - you name it!) Here it is important to remember that if you have 10 participants and you want everyone to have at least 1 gift, you have to create 10 gifts/prizes:

When you are done and ready to publish the competition you can in the same time add it to a playlist/feed:

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