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How do I create a new user?

Create a new user to quickly onboard a new employee with the rest of your organization on SalesScreen.

Marius Ekerholt avatar
Written by Marius Ekerholt
Updated over a week ago

Required User Privileges: Company Admin / User Admin

View Users

You can see all users by going to Manage in the bottom of the left menu bar and selecting users. You can choose whether to view a list of your active or inactive users by selecting the tabs at the top of the page.

Add Users

To add a new user, click the Add users button in the top right corner of the page. A dropdown will appear with various options: options to import users from any connected 3rd party platform, to create or update users from Excel, or simply to create a new user manually. In all cases, make sure all your new users are assigned to Teams, or they will not be able to have any activities logged to them.

Import users from your connected 3rd Party platform

  1. go to manage --> users --> add user

  2. Chose import users from <name of 3rd party platform> (Example: Outreach)

3. Tick off the users you want to import and press add user, then the users will be uploaded to the account and you will be redirected to the user page.

4. If you are ready for it, you can send out login links by ticking of the users and choose "Email login information":

Create or update users from Excel

1.) If you choose this option, your first prompt will be to download a properly formatted Excel template. You will have the option to include all existing users in this template. Hit Download.

2.) After downloading, you will have a file very similar to the one pictured below. Add or edit the users as needed, but be sure to retain the formatting you have been given. When you have made all the updates you need, save your changes to the file.

3.) Back on the SalesScreen browser, navigate to the next step using the forward arrow at the bottom of the page. Here you can choose a file to upload. Select the one you edited in the previous step.

4.) Next you must map the columns from the Excel sheet to SalesScreens user fields. If no changes were made to the structure of the sheet, this should be straightforward. Simply click each corresponding title in succession so that both versions of it are highlighted in the same color, going all the way down through the line.

5.) On the last step, you can choose whether to Create new users if they do not already exist in SalesScreen, Update values of existing users, or both. Then, finalize your changes by hitting the Import button.

Create new user

You can also always add a new user manually. This option will generate a simple popup window to get you started with the absolute basics for a new user:

  • First name: The first name of your sales rep

  • Last name: The last name of your sales rep

  • Nickname (Optional): The nickname of the new user

    • Note that this defaults to last name.

  • Email: The email address of your sales rep. It is important to note that the email address will be used to identify uniquely your sales rep. There cannot be two users with the same email address in SalesScreen. It is also crucial that the email address can actually receive emails.

  • Team: The team to which you would like to assign your sales rep, selected from your previously existing team’s using the dropdown. It is important to know that, without a team, your sales rep will not be able to report anything into SalesScreen.

    • Note that it is possible to assign your sale rep to a team afterwards.

  • Send email confirmation to user: If you check this box an email will be sent out to your sales rep immediately after you have completed the user creation. We recommend you check this in most circumstances.

    • Note that it is possible to send the email confirmation afterwards, for example once you are done creating your company account on SalesScreen.

  • Integration keys: If you are using any integration, you can add the Integration Key in this section. You can also add this later by going to Manage-Settings-Integrations.

Fill out all the above as desired and click Create new user, or hit Close to cancel.

Edit a User

A user’s profile can be edited by clicking on their listing in Manage > Users.

User profiles are divided into six tabs:

Profile — Basic personal information; name, email, birthday, hire date.

Access — Controls the user’s access level within SalesScreen. More information on this below.

Celebrations — Sets the user’s personalized celebration video selection, appearance, and settings.

Privacy — Controls the visibility of certain activities within SalesScreen, as well as email subscriptions.

Security — This is where you can change a user’s password or generate an invitation link for them if you have not already sent them one upon the creation of their account.

Notifications — Control the settings for the user’s push notifications.

Types of User Access

Your available levels of user access are as follows. You can assign a given user some, all or none of these accesses in any combination.

  • Account Owner — Account Owners have access to everything in the company and can manage subscriptions.

    • NOTE: Checking this access will automatically check every access level below.

  • Company — Company administrators have access to everything in the company.

    • NOTE: Checking this access will automatically check every access level below.

  • User — User administrators have access to create and edit users in the company.

  • Statistics — Statistics administrators have access to all data.

  • Screen — Screen administrators have access to the screens, playlists and slides.

  • Target — Target administrators have access to create and edit targets.

  • Competition — Competition administrators have access to create and edit competitions.

  • Achievement — Achievement administrators have access to create and edit Achievements.

  • Coaching — Coaching administrators have access to create coaching sessions.

  • Reward — Reward administrators have access to manage rewards, coins, and requests.

Deactivating a User

To deactivate a user, go to Manage > Users, check the box next to the user you wish to deactivate, and then click the Deactivate button in the bottom right.

You will receive a confirmation popup box asking if you are sure. Click Deactivate again to go forward (or Cancel to keep the user active).

Once deactivated, you can still find the user again by switching to the Inactive tab in Manage > Users. You can reactivate the user if you choose by selecting the checkbox next to their name and clicking Activate in the bottom right of the screen. This will also prompt a confirmation popup.

You will need to reassign the user to their proper team after reactivating them— they will default to None.

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