To access the Battles page, the first step is to click on Battles in the left side menu:
You will be presented with the My Battles page, you will access the list of all your active battles:
You can view the details of an active battle by clicking on the corresponding tile:
There are several things that you can do on this page:ย
Browse the active and completed battles
Manage your active and completed battles
Browse the leaderboard
Browse all battles
To access the overview of all the battles, click the All battles button in the top navigation bar:
You will access the list of all the active battles within your company:
You can view the details of an active battle by clicking on the corresponding tile:
You can also access the battles which have been completed in your company by clicking the Battle history button in the top left corner:
Browse the leaderboard
To access the Leaderboard, click the Leaderboard button in the top navigation bar: