Required User Privileges: Company Admin
Option 1: Through the Team Admin Page
Click on Manage at the bottom left corner of SalesScreen and navigate to Teams under the Company headline.
Once on the Team Management page, select your team in the list (for example Team 1):
Once your team is selected, click on the Activities tab. The list of activities currently assigned to the team will show in the left column while the activities not currently assigned to the team will show on the right side. To assign an activity to the team, click on the corresponding green Plus icon:
Option 2: Through the Activity Types Page
Click on Manage at the bottom left corner of SalesScreen and navigate to Activity Types under the Company headline.
Once on the Activity Types page, select the activity type and corresponding activity (for example Activity > Dials) and navigate to the Logger Settings tab. Here you can select which team(s) can log this activity.